Last night was a good night...

Well, last night was a good night for a few reasons. The night before I was feeling mentally pretty down from training. I decided that yesterday morning instead of getting up at 5:40 am to run I'd sleep in a little. It was a tough day at work with some system changes that made the day go fast and got my mind back up to speed. That really helped, ironically. After work I headed over to 24 Hour Fitness for my run. My leg had felt pretty good, so I went into it with a pretty positive outlook. My plan was to try to do the 6 miles I was supposed to do the day before but I intended to stop if my leg started bothering me. Well, it never bothered me! I got in all 6 miles pain free! I was THRILLED!! After the run I did my normal cool down walk then spent a TON of time using the foam roller and stretching. I'm hoping to continue to do whatever I need to to get this leg back at 100%. I have my first 20 mile run on the schedule for Saturday, but I'm going to just see how it goes. I'll stop at either 20 miles or when my leg starts to show signs of acting up, whichever comes first.

After stretching I spent 45 minutes on the stationary bike doing the Random Hill program on level 6 (normally I do level 9). I wanted to keep my legs loose and moving but didn't want to over-do it with my normal strenuous ride. I then headed off to JCCC for my first Karate class of the year!! I got there about 45 minutes before class, so I spent that time stretching even more. Of course, we started class with even more stretching! We did some practicing of sparring combinations, but I skipped some of it because the moves required twisting and planting on my leg and I just didn't want to risk it. Our instructor, Roy Porter, told us we'd be sparring on Tuesday, but I will watch only to keep protecting my leg from getting hit.

Overall, it was a great night as far as burning calories and getting my mind back in the right place to finish my training. I felt good and positive as I was going to bed last night. This morning I did Week 7 Day 2 of Javorek's Weight Training II Plan, but I skipped the back squat jumps and did even more foam roller and stretching instead. So far today my leg is feeling great, so let's hope this keeps up!


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