Training's Over For A While...

Elly (brown & black dog in the background) &
Newman (black & white dog in the foreground)
Well, that's it.  Nothing left to do but wait until Sunday morning and run my race.  I was set to run my last training run last night as a short 3 miler, but waiting for 3 trains on the way home just didn't leave me enough time.  I decided since it was going to be such a short run I'd be fine running it tonight, so when I go home from work I took two of my dogs, Newman (Border Collie) and Elly (Australian Sheppard), with me for a run.  They have been running a little bit with Kristy at her pace so I wanted to see how they'd do at my pace.  They were doing great for the first mile, I had to hold them back at a 10:08.  Almost to the second that my watch beeped to tell me we were at a mile Elly faded fast.  She slowed way down and was having a hard time keeping up when just moments before she was pulling.  Since they haven't been running for long I thought I shouldn't push them too much, and that proved to be a good idea.  We went ahead and turned around and went home at about an 11:24 pace.  They were somewhat struggling to even keep up with that pace.  In the end we came up short of the mileage goal, but it was a nice run to check where they are at and what we need to do to help them get in better running shape.  We did 2.19 miles in 23:43 for an overall 10:50 pace.

So that's it for training for me for a couple weeks.  Tomorrow is a rest day, although I may go for a short bike ride or yoga or something, then Sunday is the Blue Springs 50k.  Two weeks after that on Nov. 12 is the Pilgrim Pacer Marathon.  So basically I have the 50k, 2 weeks of recovery/taper, then a marathon.  Let's just hope I survive, I've never tried to run this long of races this close together.  In fact, it'll be my first 50k (so my longest run ever) and my second marathon.  So not even counting this close together have little experience with races like this.  I'm very confident that I've trained pretty well, so I think they will go pretty well, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about it.  I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to test myself.

The next post will be following my 50k.....


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