It started as my running blog, but I've transitioned to more types of activities. I just want to try new things and experience new adventures.
Meditation feeling to this morning’s run…
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I woke up this morning at my normal to find very dense fog. VERY dense fog. Given the fact that it was still dark at that time and the thick fog, I could barely see more than about a quarter of a block ahead of me. Gardner is a quite, small town anyway, but at in the morning there are very few cars on the roads and few people out running, it feels like a ghost town. The first half of my run was very interesting. It was a unique, solitary feeling. The darkness, the fog and the general quietness of the town added together to a very surreal feeling. I often like to talk about how running is as much a mental and spiritual exercise as it is physical; today that was definitely the case, in a good way. I’ve had a somewhat stressful couple of weeks with some things going on at work, my dog’s stroke and a week off of running due to injury. This morning’s run allowed me to re-center myself. It felt more like a meditation than a run. My mind was at peace in the silent darkness. Many runners talk about how they like to run because they get a chance to think things through that they can’t during the everyday hustle and bustle. I feel the opposite. I love runs like this morning’s because it is a chance to not think at all. I allowed my mind to clear, I didn’t try to think things through, I simply ran. No thinking about the route, no checking my Garmin for my speed or distance like I normally do, just me, the fog and the run. 5.76 miles in 56:24 later, I was back home. I felt peaceful and ready to start my day. Wonderful!! I truly love running.
My foot has been feeling very good, and I’ve still been following doc’s orders on meds and ice, so I think things are going well. I want to do a test run of my half marathon this weekend; I just haven’t decided for sure which day yet. Tomorrow is a VERY busy day, so that leaves me conflicted. On one hand, starting a busy, active day with a nice, long run is great. On the other hand, if I’m going to do it tomorrow I’m going to have to get up at about 5:30 to get down to Olathe and make sure I’m home in time. There are many stoplights along the route as it is in the ‘burbs, so I would need to plan on extra time waiting for traffic, even though there wouldn’t be much that time of day. My Sunday is all clear so I could start the run closer to or so, allowing me a little more sleep, and I wouldn’t have to worry about being late for anything. The problem with that is the half marathon is next Saturday, so I’d like to have that extra day between. Right now I’m really leaning toward Sunday, but we’ll see what happens.
Let me just start by making the following declaration: This is an absolute MUST-DO event!! If you don't have plans for January 20, 2013 then you need to plan to be in Baton Rouge for the Louisiana Marathon ! If you do have plans; cancel them and meet me in Baton Rouge anyway!! This event is WELL worth it!!! Okay, now on to my normal, excessively long race report.... As always, let's start at the beginning, long before the actual race. If first heard of the Inaugural Louisiana Marathon via a small ad on the sidebar of Facebook way back in August. Remember, I might not live in Louisiana, but I was born in Lafayette and I've spent plenty of time visiting family down here so I know all about Louisiana weather! My first thought was, "who in the world would be dumb enough to run a marathon in Baton Rouge with that heat and humidity?!?!?!?!" I clicked on the ad because, let's face it, I've been know from time to time to actually BE the guy that is th...
Rocky Raccoon 100 mile Sub-24 hr Finisher's Buckle Well, I was trying to mostly keep it quiet until I officially registered, but I let a handful of folks know and my wife let a handful of folks know, so now lots of people know. Might as well go ahead and post it and all my whirlwind thoughts on it. On February 2, 2013 I will be running the Rocky Raccoon 100 mile! It's been quite a winding road to get to the decision to go for this, but I think the processes that got me here is part of the reason I am confident that I can accomplish the goal. It all started well over a year ago when I started thinking about doing a 100 mile. Over time I kind of let that goal fall to the wayside due to a number of shortfalls and struggles I had during 2011, but I never completely let it fall apart. I let it slip to the back of my mind a little. Me & my mentor Sherrie in March ' After a good run in my last marathon of 2011 and several good runs ...
I'll admit, I've been avoiding writing this one. Normally I get my race reports done within a day or two, but this race has been a tough pill to swallow for me. I haven't really been very excited about going back and writing about it and reliving it. Basically, WyCo made me it's bitch. I want to start by saying this was an AMAZINGLY well run event by Bad Ben (the race director) and a fantastic job by all of the volunteers! I can't say enough about them. I'm told that it topped out around 105* during the race and the humidity was very high. There was a risk running in this heat, but Ben & the volunteers reduced that risk drastically. The course is an 11.25 mile loop with FIVE manned aid stations and FOUR unmanned water stations! Nine opportunities for water and/or aid in just 11.25 miles. THAT is how you set up a race in this weather! As you will hear in this report, the volunteers were awesome! They were more ...
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