The Land of Oz…

Today’s run was on the course of next weekend’s Wickedly Fast Half Marathon. The run did not go so well thanks to the insane wind, in fact, it was 29 minutes longer than what I ran in my only official half marathon last November. 13.53 miles in 2:34:49. The course is as flat and fast as described, but the wind beat me down and got my allergies going. My foot felt good again, and I’m still confident that if the wind doesn’t blow like this next Saturday I’ll do well. I still am hopefully for sub-2 hours, but if the wind is like this I’ll take whatever I can get.
After my run I went home to have a little lunch and made myself a strawberry banana smoothie. Quite enjoyable. I’ve been napping off and on since, allergies are just not much fun. Tomorrow’s a rest day, Tuesday and Wednesday I’ll run and I’ll probably take Thursday and Friday off before the race.
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