Lots to write about today…

Another high was this weekend. Yesterday was the Brew 2 Brew 44 mile race from Boulevard Brewery in Kansas City, MO to Free State Brewery in Lawrence, KS. I’m running it next year so I decided to volunteer at the finish line this year. Bonus was Team Ruhs (Ron & Bobbie) were running it! I had yet to meet them in person. Saturday night me, Kristy, Team Ruhs, Jolene & Larry Klein, Donnie Dempewolf (also ran it solo) and their support crew all when out to dinner. It was a great time and it was so much fun to meet so many great people!! Sunday was the race, and unfortunately for those running it was also our hottest day of the year so far. The temps got as high as 90 degrees and the winds were around 20 mph gusting up to 50 mph and straight into the faces of the runners. But all 3 made it through!! I was truly amazed and insprired by them yesterday! Not to mention, of course, that Ron & Bobbie just always have to convince me to do crazy things! Not that I fight much, I want to anyway I just like blaming them! So they’ve now gotten me roped into the Blue Springs 50k in October, and I have recruited Jill to join us as well. Of course, Jill, not to be outdone, is now trying to get us to kick that up to a 50 miler instead… oh boy….
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