When an injury is a good thing...

Ok, so it might sound crazy for me, a serious running addict, to say that an injury that will keep me from running for several weeks is a good thing. But, I believe that is actually true in this case. I’ve become so addicted to running that I have stopped almost all other workouts. Before yesterday I hadn’t done any weight training since Feb 11 th , my appearances at yoga have been few and far between, I seldom get on the bike anymore. Basically, if it wasn’t running it simply wasn’t worth my time, all I wanted was to run. Yet another example of me not following my own advice. I always remind people how important cross training is, but I’ve basically stopped doing it myself. That’s led to some pretty serious weight gain despite my ridiculous amount of running. Now I have a stress fracture in my foot and can’t run for at least a few weeks. So what now? Do I just mope around doing nothing at all like I did last week? That’s not good, my weight continues to go up and I continue to get mor...