Yesterday my training plan called for an 18 mile run, no worries. I've been feeling pretty good lately so I was excited and ready for a quality long run. I wanted to change up my route a little so I plotted out a route that actually was closer to 19 miles. I started at my mother-in-law Rosie's house, ran down to the Indian Creek Trail, ran down the trail to 119th & Quivira, took that up to 123rd, over to Switzer, up to 143rd, over to Antioch, up to 151st and back to Rosie's off 151st & Ridgeview. So a little bit of paved trail and a lot of sidewalk. It was 41* when I started and I felt great. I felt strong the entire way, the only thing that slowed me down was a headwind for most of the 6+ miles coming down 151st St. I ended up with 18.95 miles in 3:13:53 for an overall pace of 10:14! This is the best long run I've had since mid-January!! My confidence has been fairly high anyway but this really helped!! I feel strong and I'm still hoping that my training will help me get to my 4:10 I'm shooting for at the Louisiana Marathon.

Today I've spent a decent amount of time just surfing the web and watching football, which led to some schedule changes for 2012. As you saw in my last post, I was planning a double header weekend with the Mankato Marathon 10/20 and the On The Road For Education Marathon on 10/21 followed a week later by the Blue Springs 50k getting me 5 stars with the Marathon Maniacs. Well, those two marathons dates were not official and since that post they have announced dates and both of them moved. So Mankato is now on 10/21 and OTR4E is now on 10/14. So a new plan was needed. I still want a double weekend to get 4 stars, but I'll have to pass on the 5th star because it would be too much driving now to get the third state. I really didn't want to drop OTR4E from the schedule because I want to meet my Facebook friend Carrie and her family. So the new plan is OTR4E 10/14, Kansas City Marathon 10/20, Des Moines Marathon 10/21 and Blue Springs 50k 10/28. Also, I cancelled my DirecTV (we just aren't watching TV much anymore) back in June so I sold my two DVRs on Ebay and made way more than I expected!! So my father-in-law Mark paid for Louisiana for my birthday, my mother-in-law Rosie paid for Oz & Lincoln for Christmas and selling these receivers will help me pay for several more of my planned events. I normally don't like to pay too far in advance just in case, but if all of these plans are going to be financially possible I have to stay ahead of it enough to get in on early prices on all of them and hope things go well.
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