The end of my pity party…

My first appointment with my orthopedic specialist yesterday was a bittersweet moment for me. I’ve been throwing myself quite a pity party since the Wickedly Fast Half Marathon failure and the subsequent doctor’s visits, x-rays, MRI’s and complete and total lack of running. I’m still by no means happy about the fast that I’ve not run in almost 3 weeks and I have a minimum of 3 weeks left until I can run. That just sucks, period. There’s no attitude change that will make that suck any less. However, I can change how I’m dealing with it. My blog posts have been very few since this happened. Honestly, I’ve been avoiding it as much as I can because I didn’t want to even think about running while I can’t actually get out and do it myself. I’ve been eating terribly, hardly working out at all and just basically being a giant pain in everyone’s butt.

I’m changing all of that now. I need to start looking at this as an opportunity and a lesson learned. No more pity party for me. I know that I will have lost a TON of my cardiovascular endurance after a month and a half (at least) without running. I’ll need to start fresh. I think that might be a good thing. I think I was starting to take the joy of long runs for granted. I often describe the 14 mile tempo run that started all of this as no big deal, just 14 miles, not that far really. Well, that is far, that is a long run. I don’t care if I have run a marathon, 14 miles is still a really long way to run. I’ve lost the joy of 3-7 mile runs because they started to feel like a warm up more than like a run. Yep, time for a change, my foot has provided the opportunity for that change, and all change requires a catalyst. Maybe I should thank my foot!
Once I am able to get back to running I’m going to start fresh. I’ll train for a 5k, then a half marathon, then a full marathon. This time I’m going to try to remember that those short runs are supposed to be fun. They are runs, and I love to run. So just because a run isn’t in the double digits why shouldn’t I enjoy it? I’m also going to finally be able to get into my “barefoot” running with my Vibrams. Once my doctor gives me the go ahead to start running, I’m going to seek his advice on working them in. He very positive yesterday on the idea of barefoot running and the positive changes it makes in your form. I think that will help me get back to the joy of running.
For now, I need to get myself back in shape. Last time I tried to push too hard and after 5 days I hurt myself. You can only do weight training with your upper body only before you pull a muscle. So, new plan. This is a learning experience for me, this is my first real injury since I started getting in shape a year and a half ago, so dealing with it is new to me. This time I’m going to take a different approach. Starting today, I’m going to try out a new workout plan. Today will be weight training, tomorrow Ab Ripper X, and then following this every-other-day approach. This should help me start getting back into shape without risking overuse injuries. In 2 weeks I can start biking. The doctor was specific in that it has to be low resistance and low miles on a stationary bike, so it isn’t ideal, but it’s something. That will help get my cardio endurance up a little.
Also, as I said yesterday, I will be changing my race schedule for the rest of the year. I had some VERY aggressive plans for the fall that will need to change. I’m going to look at the schedule this weekend and make some decisions. They will be tough decisions, but they will need to be made for the greater good. Once my new plan is set this weekend I’ll post about it here to let you all know what’s going on.
“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” – Walt Disney


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