Time for a comeback…

Well, it’s now been 44 days since my last run, the Wickedly Fast Half Marathon that I dropped out of with a stress fracture. I still don’t get to run just yet, but more details on that in a bit. For now, I want to sum up what’s been going on since my last post. I obviously haven’t posted much since my injury, and that is simply because there has been little to say. I’ve been very disappointed in myself. I used my injury as an excuse to slack off. Why not? I couldn’t do any cardio, I could only do upper body weight training, I wasn’t moving. I’ve learned something over my year and a half + of working out and eating healthy; if you get used to sitting still it is hard to get moving, if you get used to moving it is even harder to sit still. With my stress fracture I couldn’t do any cardio, so I was running low on motivation and on energy. The less I moved the worse I felt; the worse I felt, the worse I ate. So, to...