2011 Year In Review...

Wow, what a year! Honestly it has been one of the best years I've had in a long time and much of that can either directly or indirectly be traced back to my running. This will likely be a long post (shocking, I know) but I want to do this year the justice it deserves before moving on to 2012 tomorrow. On Jan 1, 2011 I was in the midst of training for my first marathon ever and that day I ran 14 miles, the longest run I had ever done at that point! I was shocked at the time by how good it felt, I commented on my Garmin activity that I felt like I could have easily run another 2-3 miles. That was a great sign of how this year was going to go. Today on Dec 31, 2011 I ran my final training run for my 3rd full marathon (5th race of at least marathon distance), the Louisiana Marathon, with a 20.67 mile run in 49+ mph wind gusts. I never dreamed I'd be bookending a year with distances like that!! It wasn't all great, but it was all worth it. Let's st...