Mississippi Blues Marathon/First Light Marathon Double Race Report(s)

Me with the Main Maniacs (Steve, Chris, and Tony) I was all set to tackle my first huge goal of the year with back-2-back marathons on January 10th & 11th. This year's Marathon Maniac reunion was at the Mississippi Blues Marathon/First Light Marathon Back-2-Back Challenge. I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to take on 2 marathons in 2 states in 2 days. It's close to home, with Jackson, MS about 4 1/2 hours from home and Mobile, AL about an hour away. It just made sense to go to this, along with the fact that I would get to spend time with so many of my fellow Maniacs. Bringing Will in for his finish at the Cajun Coyote 100 Mile I had run the Pensacola Marathon on November 9th, so I had 9 weeks to stay in marathon shape and prepare to add a second one. I must admit, I was terrified of the idea of running 2 full marathons in 2 days. I decided to do something I'd never tried before. I decided to work with a running coach for my training. I talked to...