The Odd Journey That Was 2015...

My last workout of 2015 Where do I even start with this one? I guess the best place to start is to say that I'm grateful for 2015. It was my worst year for fitness since I started in 2009, but I think it was exactly what I needed. I've known for several years that I need to change the way I god about my fitness and my health goals, but I just never could do it. 2015 proved to be the time that everything came to a head and as I leave this weird year for 2016, I am left with little choice but to make those changes finally. Sometimes you have to give up before you can start over. Running the Miss. Blues Marathon 1/10/15 Things started out quite well. I had completed the Pensacola Marathon in November of 2014 and was finishing up my training for my first back-2-back marathon weekend in January of this year. ( Race report here ) I felt great, I was running pretty strong, I was relatively confident. I was still pretty overweight, and still not strength training or cross-tra...