Training Is Done...

My final long run for the Toto 50k is done. I'm through with the core of my training and I'm on to taper. Wow. It honestly feels like I just started training, but it also feels like I've been doing this training forever. It's been a pretty positive experience training for this race. I've gotten faster, I've gotten stronger, I've gained better endurance, mental toughness, and discipline. I feel, for the first time in a very long time, quite confident in my running and my fitness. When I decided to sign up for the race, I set out a plan for my training and I've followed it. I started with training for 13 weeks for the Pilgrim Pacer Half Marathon, then another 13 weeks of training (starting the day following the race) to train for the 50k. Why do it this way? Two reasons. First, I hadn't decided to run a 50k yet, my goal was to run the half. I wanted to train well for the half marathon. Second, I hadn't run further than 13.1 miles since Nov. '12...