2013 Review/2014 Goals

What can I say about 2013? It was an interesting year. I ended 2012 completely burnt out from too many races I didn't really run for myself, so I pretty much took a lot of 2013 off from organized training. I decided I wouldn't run anything more than a half marathon this year, and really couldn't see myself running anything longer than that ever again. In 2012 I had come to hate the long distance races. Sometimes you need a rest day, sometimes you need a rest week, sometimes you need a rest year. I was in desperate need of a year not running every race anyone suggested to me and just enjoying life a little. I took things pretty easy as the year started, basically working out when I felt like it and not working out when I didn't. No set training. I was working out most every day, but my workouts were generally shorter distances, weight training, and unstructured. I just mentally wasn't into it and the more time went by, the more I felt like I had no interest in runn...