Goals for 2013

Time for the annual goal setting post! Let me start by saying that I am excited as hell about a new year! Those of you that know me know that I don't do resolutions. I don't believe in a spontaneous, vague idea of something you want to improve but put no plan or effort into. No, I prefer goals. Goals are solid, goals are well thought out, goals are planned, goals take work to achieve. Often we hit these goals, sometimes we don't. But at least we don't just forget about them. No, we think them through before we set them. We create plans with steps, then we work out butts off (sometimes literally) to achieve them, but we definitely don't just forget them. Resolutions are a chance to once again fall short and feel bad; goals are an excuse to kick ass to the point people call you obsessed! That's right, once again, no resolutions. I'm excited as hell about my goals & plans!! 2013 is going to be awesome! ...