GOATz Trail Run 50k Race Report

How quickly things can change!! The tough day I had at the Kansas City Marathon I was getting a bit down. How could I not be? It was the first of two marathons & two 50ks in five weeks, so starting off with a race that didn't go well really had me worried about the GOATz 50k just one week later. Of course I had high hopes that I would turns things around and have a good race, but in the back of my mind I was very worried that I would have a repeat performance of the issues I'd had just a week before. I really hoped for a good day, I'd been looking forward to this event for quite some time. My friends Ron & Bobbie Ruhs had told me fairly early this year about a new trail running club up where they live, the Greater Omaha Area Trail Runners (G.O.A.T.z). I joined their Facebook group so that I could keep up with what they were doing and help support them. Not long after, there came mention of a GOATz Trail Run 50k, but even better...