
Showing posts from August, 2012

4 in 5 Weeks For Team RWB

I'm having a blast running, swimming, cycling, strength training, etc right now, but I'm also keeping my eye on why I am free to do all of this.  You and I are free to enjoy the activities and lifestyles of a free country because every single day all over the world the men & women of our armed forces risk everything to make sure we retain that freedom.  I hooked up with Team Red, White & Blue through the Louisiana Marathon's website last year and have been running as one of their athletes ever since.  This is an awesome organization that helps our wounded veterans when they return home and rejoin civilian life.  Can you even imagine?  You spend all day every day living in a world where you don't know if the next road you drive will have an IED, or the next building you pass will have a sniper waiting for you.  You have the highly rigid and defined hierarchy of the military and it's discipline and structure.  The next thing you know, you are ...


 My calender for August; just the message I needed.  Many of you already know that I've been in a rut for the last month or so.  I haven't been excited about running at all.  It all started after the Rock The Night Away! Trail Half Marathon.  I set myself up to have a bad race just to see how I'd fare and I did okay in the race itself, but I didn't recover from it the way I expected.  I sucked it up after that and still managed to complete my first triathlon on July 8th, but the rut continued after.  I just had little or no motivation most of the time.  The heat has had a lot to do with it; this has been the hottest year in recorded history in Kansas and we are in a horrible drought.  I was also questioning my reasoning behind the goals I was pushing for, but more on that later.  I've always swore I would never let running feel like work, but that's exactly what it was becoming.  Then along came the Psycho Psummer 50k.  It was...