The Quest For 100 Just Got Real...

Rocky Raccoon 100 mile Sub-24 hr Finisher's Buckle Well, I was trying to mostly keep it quiet until I officially registered, but I let a handful of folks know and my wife let a handful of folks know, so now lots of people know. Might as well go ahead and post it and all my whirlwind thoughts on it. On February 2, 2013 I will be running the Rocky Raccoon 100 mile! It's been quite a winding road to get to the decision to go for this, but I think the processes that got me here is part of the reason I am confident that I can accomplish the goal. It all started well over a year ago when I started thinking about doing a 100 mile. Over time I kind of let that goal fall to the wayside due to a number of shortfalls and struggles I had during 2011, but I never completely let it fall apart. I let it slip to the back of my mind a little. Me & my mentor Sherrie in March ' After a good run in my last marathon of 2011 and several good runs ...