Broadening Horizons...

I am a runner. I love to be active in general, but nothing gives me the instant thrill I get from a run. Yeah, I'm a runner. But does that necessarily mean I have to only be a runner? I don't think so. I think I can expand and continue to grow; further, I think that growth will only benefit my running ability. As many of you know, I've been fighting a bit of a calf issue. Sometimes over the last couple months I've been getting a very tight knot in the lower part of my left calf muscles. A.R.T. has helped, but then I go for another long or fast run and it tightens right back up. Why? I can't be 100% sure, but my personal opinion is that it is a lack of balance. My focus and activities have been solely based on running. Working your muscles in only one way gets things out of balance and causes problems, like tight calf muscles. Last summer I started getting into cycling a little bit. Not much, but some. ...